Trinity Science Lab

Welcome to Trinity's Science Lab


Our lab's focus is to give each student an opportunity for hands-on learning in a scientific environment.  We use the LabLearner Elementary School science program and are furnished with everything needed for real science experiments.  We use everything from lab coats to microscopes!  Some of our equipment includes beakers, flasks, graduated cylinders, pan balances, triple-beam scales, a life-size model skeleton, a human torso model, lab benches and much more.

We are excited to offer this extracurricular class to students in Pre-K 4 through 5th grade.

Pre-K 4, Kindergarten, and 1st grade attend the lab once per week;

2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th grades visit twice per week. 


The curriculum includes physical, chemical, earth, biological and health sciences.  Each grade follows a lesson plan that is appropriate for that age group.  Every week the students receive a Scientist's Data Record to help them organize and describe their observations during the experiment.  The Scientist's Data Record is designed to follow the scientific method and encourage critical thinking.